I had just been saved by an unknown power which is powerful than the normal physical power or energy we humans feel.. The day before yesterday, I remembered halo-ing with a friend on how wasted we would be the following night but turned out a bit in opposing. Yours truly vomitted a series before even 9 pm! Yes, the guys came over and asked me to join but how could I?? With all the cramming in my abdominal!!!!! Sorry was even hard to speak without the urge to lash out a bit, sexily of course ;) But I don't think you guys are stupid enough to believe that a sexy chick could vomit sexily (wink wink) and thats all there is to the physical part....
Back to spiritual world, yes, everyone gets drunk and foolish on Christmas Eve, not everyone but most of them ones!!!!! Though them ones would me thee but NO NO NO!!!!! Or so it goes,, just work out the math, I'm not gonna do the math for you motherfuckers..